FM Virtual University Institute

Islamic Courses

The Comprehensive Quran Course for Students is a well-structured and immersive program designed to deepen students' understanding and appreciation of the Quran. This course aims to provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to studying the Quran, covering various aspects such as recitation, interpretation, memorization, and practical application.

4/5 Classes /week

Enrollment Fee
Course Fee

In addition to learning the Quran, this course provides an opportunity to comprehend the meanings and profound wisdom behind its verses. Moreover, it offers the chance to learn Arabic online, including the fundamentals of grammar. This knowledge allows you to independently understand Ahadees (sayings of Prophet Muhammad) without relying on external sources.

4/5 Classes /week

Enrollment Fee
Course Fee

The Fiqh Courses are designed to teach you about Islamic law in a practical and easy-to-understand way. You will learn about important topics like how to pray, fast, get married, and handle money according to Islamic teachings. These courses will help you make knowledgeable choices and fulfill your religious duties correctly.                                                   

4/5 Classes /week

Enrollment Fee
Course Fee

The Al Balagha, Mantiq, Falsafa Course provides a comprehensive study of communication, logical reasoning, and philosophy in Islam. You will learn how to effectively communicate and persuade others in speeches, develop critical thinking skills in logic, and explore philosophical ideas. This course helps improve your ability to think critically and express yourself clearly in an Islamic context.

4/5 Classes /week

Enrollment Fee
Course Fee

The Aqaid Course is designed to teach you the fundamental beliefs of Islam (aqidah), rules and guidelines for daily life, and how to identify and avoid inappropriate content on social media. In addition, you will also learn about the Quran and develop the ability to stay away from idle conversations and negative influences that can lead to disbelief.

4/5 Classes /week

Enrollment Fee
Course Fee

The Naat & Sheer Course teaches the art of reciting Naat and Sheer poetry, covering their history, themes, and techniques. Practical instruction enhances recitation skills, and the course emphasizes the spiritual connection and appreciation for these forms. By the end, students gain proficiency in reciting Naat and Sheer.                                               

4/5 Classes /week

Enrollment Fee
Course Fee

The Ilm Al Fariz Course focuses on studying the essential obligations in Islamic law. You will learn about acts like prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, and charity. Practical instruction will be given to understand and perform these duties correctly. By the end of the course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of fulfilling your obligations in Islam.                                                                                     

4/5 Classes /week

Enrollment Fee
Course Fee

The Akhlaq o Adaab Free Courses are designed to provide valuable teachings on ethics and manners in Islam. You will learn about the importance of good character and proper conduct in various aspects of life. Practical guidance will be given on topics such as kindness, honesty, respect, and etiquette. By taking these courses, you can enhance your moral values and cultivate positive behavior in accordance with Islamic teachings.

4/5 Classes /week

Enrollment Fee
Course Fee

The Tasawwuf Free Courses provide valuable teachings on spiritual development in Islam. You will learn about the path of self-purification, mindfulness, and connection with the Divine. Practical guidance will be given on practices like meditation, remembrance of Allah, and cultivating virtues. These courses offer an opportunity to deepen your spiritual journey and enhance your relationship with Allah.

4/5 Classes /week

Enrollment Fee
Course Fee

The Seerat Courses focus on studying the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). You will learn about his qualities, leadership, and interactions with others. By studying the Seerat, you can gain a better understanding of the Prophet's life and strive to follow his example.

4/5 Classes /week

Enrollment Fee
Course Fee

This Hadith Studies course covers the definition and significance of Hadith, Ulum al-Hadith (Sciences of Hadith), Hadith Terminology, major Hadith Collections, and their application in Islamic jurisprudence and theology. Ethical and spiritual teachings in Hadith literature will also be explored.

4/5 Classes /week

Enrollment Fee
Course Fee

The Introduction to Islamic History (Tareekh) course provides an overview of the life of Prophet Muhammad, the expansion of Islam, the rise of Muslim empires, challenges faced during decline, and the modern Islamic revival. Students will explore key historical events and their relevance today.

4/5 Classes /week

Enrollment Fee
Course Fee