Grade 7

Course Outline

English 7

English 7 emphasizes continued development in the domains of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The program of instruction stresses growth in the use of study skills, personal vocabulary, and the knowledge of grammar and spelling rules. A process approach to writing encourages students to brainstorm, draft, revise, and finalize their writing. The curriculum includes critical reading of novels, short stories, plays, poetry, myths, and biographies. Students study these genres in class and through outside reading assignments as well. A team approach to instruction permits students to experience interdisciplinary and authentic assessment projects. Teachers challenge their students to confront ethical and moral issues in literature, and to consider reasonable ways of resolving such dilemmas. All English 7 students will take the State Assessment in English Language Arts. Students who need additional support in English language arts will also be assigned to Literacy Lab 7.


Students in Pre-Algebra will be exposed to an enriched pre-algebra and geometry curriculum which will help to prepare them for the Regents examination in Algebra 1 in grade 8. Topics in this accelerated course will include number systems, ratios and proportions, percent, systems of measurement, algebra, geometry and coordinate geometry, and probability and statistics. Students in Pre-Algebra will take the New York State Grade 7 Mathematics Assessment. Students who receive a 98 or higher in this course will be considered for Algebra 1 Research Honors in grade 8. Possible Middle School Sequences in Mathematics Pre-Algebra→ Math 8 or Pre-Algebra→ Algebra 1 Accelerated or Pre-Algebra→ Algebra 1

Science 7

Physical science is the focus of the 7th grade science curriculum. The course emphasizes scientific theory and the Scientific Method. Students will have an opportunity to build cognitive and manipulative science skills through classroom instruction and laboratory experiences. Topics will include: the atom and atomic theory, molecules, simple equations, heat, work and machines, forces, and energy. Applications of energy, including alternative energy sources, will be investigated. Science 7 is part of the multi-year science sequence.

that prepares students for the Science 8 Assessment. Science 7 → Science 8 or Science 7 → Earth Science Honors

build on their knowledge of the Scientific Method. Science 6 is part of the multi-year science sequence that prepares students for the Science 8 Assessment. Science 6→ Science 7 → Science 8 or Science 6→ Science 7 → Earth Science Honors.

Social Studies 7

The 7th grade social studies course is an introduction to the history of the United States beginning with the age of exploration and the discovery of the New World. Students study the chronology by which the United States moves from its colonial infancy to the Civil War period. Where possible, the arts and literature are used to enrich the course of study. All of the important social studies skills are introduced including graph interpretation, essay writing, notetaking, map analysis, and the understanding of political cartoons. Multiculturalism and values education are interwoven into the curriculum.