Grade 9

Course Outline

English 9

This course is designed for students to explore stories and other texts, which are socially, culturally and historically constructed, and make connections to others and to the world. Students will critically think and inquire about what they hear, read, and view.

English 9 Pre-IB

This course is designed as part of the Pre-IB Track that prepares students for the International Baccalaureate Program. Combined with Social Studies 9 Pre-IB to create a course called “Humanities 9 Pre-IB”, the class integrates various genres of literature such as poetry, drama, novels and short stories into Social Studies content and inquiry in ways that encourage creative and critical thinking. Prerequisite: English 8 and admission into the Pre-IB Programme.

English 9 core

It is recommended that students in English 9 Core also take Social Studies 9 Core. CORE classes at REMSS are unique classroom environments that are generally made available to students with Individual Education Plans. CORE classes have fewer students in them and aim to organize the information so that it is easier to understand. In English 9 Core, the areas of focus will be: vocabulary development, reading comprehension, written process, personal organization and executive functioning while reading high interest novels that seek to create lively and thoughtful classroom discussions.


Social Studies 9 This course will focus on several topics relating to the development of the world and Canada between 1700 and 1900. The contributions of groups such as Aboriginal people, the French, the British and immigrants will be studied. Topics such as European settlement of North America, the development of nations and social order, the industrialization of the western world, the 1837-38 rebellions, Confederation, the Red River Rebellion and the North-West Rebellion will help students understand the development of Canada. Students must be prepared to meet increased expectations in basic skills such as reading and writing along with a more academic approach to the subject. A good work ethic along with a serious attitude towards learning increases chances of success.

Social Studies 9 Pre-IB

This is an accelerated course This course covers the Social Studies 9 curriculum. The intent of Social Studies 9 Pre-IB is to prepare students for the academic rigours of the IB program and will focus on research, essay writing, and critical historical thinking skills. The subject matter includes the roots of democracy, fights for rights, and the development of Canada. Students will further develop a strong work ethic and their ability to work independently and in groups. Students enrolled in this course will finish and get credit for Social Studies 9 and about 1/3rd of the Social Studies 10 course. In grade 10, pre-IB students will complete Social Studies 10 and all of Social Studies 11. This course is intended for those students planning to enter the IB Diploma Programme. Prerequisite: Social Studies 8 and admission into the Pre-IB Programme Social Studies 9 Core It is recommended that students in Social Studies 9 Core also take English 9 Core. CORE classes at REMSS are unique classroom environments that are generally made available to students with Individual Education.

Plans. CORE classes have fewer students in them and aim to organize the information so that it is easier to understand. In Social Studies 9 Core, the area of focus will be: vocabulary development, reading comprehension, critical thinking, personal organization and executive functioning while analyzing historical events through perspective, ethical dimensions and primary sources.

Mathematics 9

In Mathematics 9 students will develop their logic, reasoning and communication skills in five broad curricular areas: Operations with Numbers in algebraic situations, Operations with Rational Numbers, Linear Relationships, Proportional reasoning with similar shapes and Data Analysis. In addition to developing basic numeracy skills, Mathematics 9 Core continues to focus on problem solving and communicating mathematical reasoning. Mathematics 9 encourages students to develop a clear understanding of mathematical concepts, recognize the inter-disciplinary nature of mathematics and appreciate its contributions to the world around us. This course will help prepare students for Mathematics courses at the Grade 10 level. A scientific calculator is necessary for this course.

Mathematics 9

CORE classes at REMSS are unique classroom environments that are generally made available to students with Individual Education Plans. A CORE class has fewer students in them and aim to organize the information so that it is easier to understand. Mathematics 9 Core is designed for students who struggle with mathematical concepts and/or reasoning. In this course students will develop an understanding of the essential learning outcomes in four broad curricular areas: Operations with Numbers in algebraic situations, Linear Algebra, Proportional reasoning and Data Analysis. In addition to developing basic numeracy skills, Mathematics 9 Core continues to focus on problem solving and communicating mathematical reasoning. A scientific calculator is required for this course.

Mathematics 9 Pre-IB

This is an accelerated course This course is designed for students with superior ability and enthusiasm for Math. Students enrolled in this course will finish and get credit for Math 9 and about 2/3rds of the Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 course. In grade 10, Pre-IB students will complete Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 and all of Pre-Calculus 11. See the course description for Math 9 and Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 for a full description of the course content.

Science 9

Science 9 provides a preview of some of the major fields of science. In biology it examines microscopy and cells, asexual and sexual reproduction. Physics examines static and current electricity and application in the home. Chemistry looks at the periodic table, atoms and ions, ionic and covalent compounds and properties of matter. Scientific investigation skills are integrated throughout the year.

Science 9

Pre-IB Science 9 Pre-IB will cover all of the topics in the Science 9 program, however, the topics will be enriched with a focus on more independent student-oriented work, higher level thinking skills; for example: explaining and analyzing data or information and in some topics, taking them to a greater depth.

Science 9 Core

CORE classes at REMSS are unique classroom environments that are generally made available to students with Individual Education Plans. A CORE class has fewer students in them and aim to organize the information so that it is easier to understand. Science 9 Core is a general science course that is generally made available to students with Individual Education Plans. In biology, it examines microscopy and cells, asexual and sexual reproduction. Physics examines static and current electricity and application in the home. Chemistry looks at the periodic table, atoms and ions, ionic and covalent compounds and properties of matter. Scientific investigation skills are integrated throughout the year.